HitchHiker™ Campers
HitchHiker™ Campers
For Trucks and Trailers
For Trucks and Trailers
Designed to accompany you in all four seasons, the HitchHiker™ is crafted using high-grade materials and premium insulation technology. Stay warm and dry in all weather!
Immerse yourself in the unrivaled quality, comfort, and performance an OctoSeries™ Blind provides! Each 8-sided model is built insulated (heats to 55 degrees with a candle in under an hour!), lightweight, durable, whisper-quiet, and seamless, allowing you and your family a lifetime spent focusing on the hunt and not the condition of your blind. The updated 2024 OctoSeries lineup includes the 6x6 OctoFlex, the 6x6 OctoBow, and the 5x5 OctoGun. For multi-blind discounts call us at (717) 875-2197
We utilize high-grade materials and patented technology to build a hunting blind that can be heated with as little as a candle! Seriously, during testing in 20-degree weather, the blind heated to 55 degrees in an hour with only a candle inside!
Got questions? Critiques? Product ideas or revisions? We'd love to hear from you, whatever the commentary. Working together with you is how we can best advance our mission of Elevating Your Outdoor Experience. To reach us, head to our contact form or message us at info@tuscaoutdoors.com.